Engagement Kick-Off

Early Access Implementation Overview


Welcome to the Auditmation family! We are excited to partner with you in our joint pursuit of revolutionizing the IT audit and risk industry.

The following outlines the core steps of our Auditmation Engagement Process. For the sake of today's meeting, we will focus on the Kick-Off objectives and deliverables, yet will introduce the overall comprehensive program created for your engagement and implementation journey.


A purpose-driven engagement blueprint to guide our journey together.


30-minute call/meeting to reconfirm objectives and expectations with stakeholders, outline the overall implementation plan, and select the framework(s) and products from which to collect evidence.


Our teams will work collectively to review and prioritize the Control Candidates and Assertions that will inform the optimal approach for the Auditmation platform onboarding.

Auditmation Platform Deployment

This phase consists of onboarding your organization onto the Auditmation platform, connecting to your source systems in order to start collecting data.

Audit Logic

This is the first key step in understanding the core components of the platform, that will enable your ability to become proficient in the Audit Logic design and creation process. 

Continuous Collaboration

Weekly engagement management cadence to monitor key performance indictors against stated objectives,  review outstanding deliverables,  track framework controls and bot development progress.

Kick-Off meeting

Target Objectives

The goal for this initial kick-off meeting (for both parties) is to arrive at a clear understanding of the following:

Engagement Strategy

Determine connectivity option to either lab or production based assets.

Engagement Cadence

Recurring work cycles that will drive self-enablement for bot design and builds.

Framework & Product Priorities

Validate products for platform deployment and confirm applicable framework(s).

Customer Engagement Lead

Assign the person or team who understands your technical infrastructure and compliance objectives.

Engagement Strategy

Auditmation understands that every customer environment is different and their requirements can vary. Therefore, our program is flexible in design and can deploy in either AWS or Azure, then connect to 3 environment scenarios:

  1. Lab environment
  2. Production environment
  3. Lab first, then transition to production

Framework & Product Priorities

The framework and technology landscapes are vast and Auditmation can support any combination of framework and technology choices. At this stage, the objectives are to determine which framework to prioritize for the initial engagement, as well as which products that house the evidence data for the prioritized controls.

Auditmation will initially provide a set of Control Candidates as part of the first Engagement Planning session to drive the prioritization discussion. That list of Control Candidates will map the products selected against the controls in the desired framework. From there, additional frameworks and products can be added to drive incremental value delivered from the platform.



Engagement Cadence

Our partnership and support does not end after the Early Access program. Our teams will continue to work through Connector development and Logic creation until your entire audit or service is automated and ready for scale.

NOTE:  In the initial stages, our team will lead all Audit Logic implementation and bot development efforts in the platform, with the expectation of enabling customer teams to become proficient on their own.  

Customer Engagement Lead

Finally, there are two primary roles that each customer should consider for the engagement.  In many instances, this can be a single person or for larger organizations, multiple people may be identified and assigned to the Engagement Team.

IT Specialist

Understands the infrastructure of the target products and services.  Can access Secrets, Secrets Manager, and can schedule data to be collected and populated in the Audit Graph DB.

Audit Analyst

Understands organizational framework objectives and can leverage the Logic Library to create new queries and bots that will support the controls defined by the framework priorities.

Your Kick-Off meeting has concluded and our 4 target objectives have been covered.  Our next exciting milestone is the Auditmation Platform Deployment!   

But FIRST, you will need to register a new organization profile in the platform.  Our team can guide you through this process or you may register now by clicking the link below.

Early Access

The purpose of this Early Access engagement is to outline the implementation process, including:

Securely connecting to the targeted/selected products for data collection

Working together to deliver Evidence Bots that support and meet of your compliance goals

Selecting a framework and prioritizing controls needed to support your compliance objectives

Assessing the collected evidence artifacts and creating results in an audit room